
October 20, 2010

Home (Oh!)

Hey gang, Charlie here. So it's pretty obvious that I'm totally NOT in college since I'm writing for a 'kewl'/relevant/semi-famous (here's lookin' at you, Denmark!) blog....but if I WERE in college, this past weekend probably would've been my fall break. So in true not-in-college fashion, Randy and I decided to celebrate fall break anyway with a trip down to Nashville, TN, then up to Lexington, KY. And boy, what a trip it was (check out Randy's Local Natives concert write-up here).

 Hey, I did my best on this one

Read my emotional ramblings after the break: 

Let me go on by fillin' you in on my status before fall break. And no, not my 'FB status'...I mean my status. I was down, way down in the dumps. School was getting on my nerves and life kept farting in my face. I knew I needed a break, but I figured I would come back the same as when I left.

I was Wong.
 Google Image result for "Wong"
(note: please make sure you turn on SafeSearch before trying this yourself)

Fast forward to Sunday afternoon >> Randy, Mrs. Saul, and I were driving back north after a spooktacular weekend with the pals. Having called shotty early (take that, Saulette), I was responsible for navigations (turning on the GPS), communications (yelling at assholes), and DJ-ings (whenever I could snatch the iPod off of Rand's lappy). I decided to play the album From Below by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros and in the middle of the 'totes epic' song 'Home', I realized something that totally pulled me out of my poopy slump.

I didn't want to put a picture of "poopy slump"

Contrary to what I'd thought before, 'Home' isn't just a romantic indie story between a guy who wears sandals a lot and a girl who probably doesn't wash her's about being with anyone you care about. It dawned on me that I had just been surrounded by my favorite people and how much at Home I really felt. And as Lexington transformed into a tiny speck in the rearview mirrors, I felt truly happy for the first time in weeks.
My recommendation to you: give 'Home' another listen and find out what Home means for you.

Here's the EweToob vid (check the first comment - LOL)
I know I'll be back Home soon.
Peace and love,

P.S. -  If you happen to catch the other twelve tracks on From Below, please forget them as I will be featuring the album on a future Album of the Week